Jade Small
Jade Small
November 15, 2021 ·  2 min read

How Fast Can You Count All Of The Matches In This Photo?

One of the best ways to strengthen your brain is by playing optical illusion games. In fact, as little as 15 minutes of these types of puzzles per day can be great for the brain!

Crop unrecognizable elegant woman in white sweater and trendy optical glasses with brown frames and golden temples in hand
Karolina Grabowska – Pexels

So, can you trust your eyes to give you the correct information in today’s challenge? Probably not. This is why you will need to focus your mind and train your eyes to really “see” what is there in front of you. It’s not going to be easy, so, good luck!

How Many Matches Are There?

In the image below, you will see some matches. However, there is also a shiny lighter standing in the middle of the picture. This creates a visual illusion. Will you be able to count the matches correctly? Or, will your brain trick you? Let’s find out and see how good you are at solving optical illusion puzzles.

matches lighter

Taking a look at this picture, you can see there are some matches. But, do you know how many? The shiny lighter is reflecting parts of the matches, or is it? Can you count how many matches are in this picture?

Maybe taking another look at this photo from a slightly different angle will help.

matches and shiny lighter table

Are you able to see any more matches with this angle? Remember, your brain will try to trick you. So, you need to focus your attention and try to override your brain’s default setting. Take a few moments and breathe. Perhaps try to shift your perception by turning your device at a different angle.

Have you reached an answer yet? Let’s find out if you were correct, or if you need some more practice!

Serious African American male model wearing white sweatshirt looking at camera with unsure gaze against pink background
SHVETS production – Pexels


Hopefully, you were able to get the correct answer to this tricky challenge. This puzzle is a great reminder that not everything is as it seems. Sometimes, we see things that just aren’t there. Or, we are tricked into seeing something by illusions. Such as reflection! Did the shiny lighter give you some trouble?

Here is another angle of the image where you can fully count the matches.

matches solution

If you got the answer of “eight matches,” you are correct! Did you get it right? If you need some more practice with these puzzles, check out our helpful list below.