A house can be an extension of an individual’s personality. Many like to plant raised garden beds and have luxurious lawn furniture. Some people decorate their homes to stand out among other houses in the neighborhood. However, some people like to go the extra mile to give their home some personality. Just like this man in Pflugerville, Texas who painted his house into a bright pink home. His neighbors are either losing their minds or very happy about this new strange house to look at.
Why A Bright Pink Home?
The owner of the bright pink home, Emilio Rodriguez, said that he bought the house in November 2018. First, he started with the back of the house with pink paint. Second, painting the top of the house then the sides. Lastly, painting the entire front of the house as the Rodriguez home was now completely bright pink. Rodriguez claims that this is his favorite color ever. Claiming this house to be his ideal dream home.
Despite Rodriguez’s overjoyed state of being, there are some neighbors that absolutely hate the bright pink home. Unfortunately, Rodriguez is consistently having to battle people about its appearance. Additionally, there is no HOA (homeowners association) in Pflugerville, Texas. Because of this, the next course of action for some neighbors is filing a lawsuit against Rodriguez.
“I love this house. I don’t know why people don’t like it,” He explains. “No HOA. I pre-planned this specifically because of that reason, so when people get mad I explain there is no HOA here,” Rodriguez claims. (1)
Despite some neighbors having issues with his bright pink home, there are others that standby Emilio. Rodriguez also explains that he chose to do this as a ‘Keep Austin Weird’ movement.
“That’s what people keep saying they’re like why are people so freaked out? Have they never been to Austin?” (1)
About Emilio Rodriguez
Rodriguez has had his fair share of obstacles in life up to this point. Emilio was 4 years old when he survived a horrible car accident. Ever since Rodriguez has been paralyzed from the waist down. He has gone through a multitude of surgeries as a teenager and has remained in a wheelchair his entire life. (1)
In the interview, Rodriguez also points out that his entire body is covered with pink ink just like his home. There are also a variety of random sculptures and other artsy pieces in the front yard of his house. Rodriguez also says that he has plans to paint the driveway as well as the fence when he has time. (1)
Because there is no HOA for the neighborhood, the surrounding residents are worried about their property value going down. Which is why they are threatening Rodriguez with a lawsuit. However, Rodriguez has no intention of repainting his bright pink home or doing anything he doesn’t want to.
Is A Bright Pink Home That Offensive?
To put it lightly, no, there is no reason bright pink paint should offend anybody. Rodriguez bought this home, painted as he wanted, and is living his life happily. For some people, this isn’t good enough. There are similar situations to Rodriguez’s bright pink home that have offended people to the point of anger.
Take this rainbow painted home that was established right next to the Westboro Baptist Church. The founder of Planting Peace bought this home deliberately to make a statement to the church adjacent to it. In addition, same sex couples can come to this house to take pictures, attend LGBTQ+ events, and kiss on the rooftop where church members can see them. There’s even a sign on the mailbox that says they accept donations.
Spite House’s
The point of the comparison between Rodriguez’s bright pink home and this rainbow house is that people don’t have to be happy with it. Rodriguez is doing nothing wrong by wanting a pink home to live in. He wasn’t buying this home to spite anybody. Rodriguez simply just wants his dream home to be his dream color. However, there are some people who have built houses to spite others.
Take this house in Boston, Massachusetts for example. The history for this large home has a dastardly twist involving two brothers. Dating back to the civil war era, two brothers inherited land and one was sent off to war. After returning from the military, he had found his brother had built a nuisance in his absence. A 10 foot-wide skinny building that blocked almost all the sunlight as well as ruining the view on that side of the house.
There are also different forms of spite when it comes to owning a home. This house in Seattle, Washington is known as the “UP” house due to it’s likeness of the Pixar movie UP. Surrounded by tall buildings, this house seems to be the last of it’s kind. In 2006, Edith Macefield was offered millions for her home to develop the rest of the area that was her house. She refused every single time until she ultimately passed away in 2008.
Homes are a hard thing to negotiate. Especially if a person loves their home, you’re going to have a hard time convincing them of anything. For Rodriguez, his home is to remain bright pink until he decides otherwise. He’s determined and is one of those people who will never leave their home.
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- “Pflugerville man not sure why people don’t like his home’s paint job.” CBS Austin. Adela Uchida. February 28, 2019.
- “Westboro Baptist Church gets colorful new neighbor.” Fox4KC. Sarah J. Clark, Barrett Tryon, Rob Low. March 19, 2013.
- “Living sideways.” Boston News. Jim Cronin. February 13, 2005
- “Even in death, ‘Up’ house owner Edith Macefield remains a mystery.” Seattle Times. Jayson Jenks. October 8, 2015.