As much as we prepare for a job interview, there is always be some question that will catch us off-guard. Sometimes, the tricky question for the job interview can be a brain teaser. Brain teasers are great for checking someone’s logical thinking, attentiveness, and reaction. They might seem a bit ridiculous but every question in a job interview has a purpose.
Today, we have not one, not two, but seven brain teasers to test out your puzzle-solving skills! They can also come up in the next job interview, so see if you can solve them.
1. Out In The Rain
A person was walking outside when it suddenly began to rain. Unfortunately, the person did not have a hat, nor were they carrying an umbrella with them. By the time the person found shelter, their clothes were soaked. But, not a single strand of hair on their head was wet. How is that possible?
The person did not have hair. They were bald.
2. Emergency
A boy was suffering from intense stomach pain. The emergency services immediately took him to the emergency room at the nearest hospital. However, the doctor attending to the boy said: “I cannot operate. He is my son.” The father of the boy was still stuck trying to reach the hospital, and the doctor was not lying. How is it possible?
The doctor was the mother of the boy.
3. Sharing Is Caring
What can be kept but cannot be shared? And once shared, it cannot be kept any longer?
It’s a secret! No, the answer is a “secret”. You can keep a secret and should not share it. And once you do share it, you are no longer keeping the secret.
4. A Pool Outing
Karen’s pool has an island in the middle of it. It is 30 feet away from the pool’s edge. Karen has 2 planks of wood, each measuring 29 feet. How can Karen get to the island?

This is how Karen can arrange the planks:

5. Hidden Meaning
Look at the image below. There are four letters arranged in a certain manner. Pay very close to the arrangement of the letters. Now, what is the meaning of the image?

Breakfast. If you look closely, there is a small break or gap between F and AST.
6. Observation Skills
The image below has many details in it. The task is to find 4 words shown in the image that has something to do with reading. Mind you, these will be actual words in the image, not just names of things.


7. Observation Skills 2
Just like the one above, there are 4 words written in the image that has a connection to winter. See if you can find them!


So which ones did you find to be easy and which ones were the toughest? Do let us know in the comments below! For us, spotting the words seemed to take a lot more time than the others.
Here are some other brain teasers that you can find enjoyable:
- 15 Brain Teasers That Can Make Your Brain Work to the Fullest
- This Tricky Brain Teaser Is Blowing People’s Minds! But Can You Do It?
- 15 Brain Teasers That Will Awaken Your Inner Sherlock Holmes