Quiz along with other math questions written on a chalk board
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
March 11, 2022 ·  3 min read

Math Quiz Lets Takers Find Out If They’re Smarter Than A Fifth Grader

Are you smarter than a fifth-grader? Well, we sure hope you are- if you want to answer these questions. Nevertheless, we need to remind you that bookish information won’t help here. You need to be quick on your feet and wit. It also helps if you have good observational skills. As we mention with every single puzzle or riddle that we provide- half of the solution is finding the solution inside the problem itself. So, put on your thinking caps, and let’s get on with this.

If You Are Smarter Than A Fifth Grader- This Shouldn’t Take Much Time

Imagine you have a large box with you. Now, the box contains 18 small boxes. What makes this delightful is that the small boxes have 25 chocolate bars each. So the question is- how many chocolate bars are there in all?



If Kim can walk 4 km in an hour, how much time does it take for her to walk 18 km?


4 hours
5 hours
4.5 hours

John takes around 25 minutes to move over to the car park, and another 45 minutes to get to work. At exactly what time should he move out of the house, if he has to reach by 9 am?



A factory went on to produce 2,300 TV sets in its initial production year. Around 4,500 more sets were produced during the second year. The third-year saw 500 more sets being produced than what was produced during the second year. How many TV sets were produced in all?



Linda purchased 3 notebooks at a price of $1.20 each. She also purchased a box of pencils for around $1.50 and a box of pens for $1.70. What was Linda’s total spending amount?



Bob and Tom have around 49 toys between them. If Bob were to have 5 more toys than Tom, what is the number of toys both have?


Tom: 22; Bob: 27
Tom: 21; Bob: 28
Tom: 23; Bob: 26

John manages to eat a whole quarter of pizza in a minute. So, how long would it take John to eat a whole pizza and then a half?


7 minutes
6 minutes
5 minutes

John again eats a sixth of a pizza in around two minutes. But Billy takes 3 minutes to eat just a single quarter. Now, if Billy and John were to start eating a pizza each, who would finish first?


Same time
John first
Billy first

Tommy, Jim, and Carla come from the same family. Carla is 5 years older than Jim. While Tommy is around 6 years older than Carla. The sum of all of their ages has been said to be 31 years. How old is each of them?


Jim: 5; Carla: 11; Tommy: 15
Jim: 5; Carla: 10; Tommy: 16
Jim: 6; Carla: 10; Tommy: 15

How many minutes does a week have?



So, do you think you are smarter than a fifth-grader? If so, this should be a piece of cake for you.

The Answers:

Ready for the solutions? Here they are:

4.5 hours
Tom: 22; Bob: 27
6 minutes
Same Time
Jim: 5; Carla: 10; Tommy: 16

How many did you manage to get correct? If you got every single one then you are nothing short of a Mathlete. Oh, and you are most definitely smarter than a fifth grader! If you want to test someone else’s maths acumen then be sure to share this quiz.

Also, here are some more tests for your mathematical prowess: