homeless person sitting on a bench feeding pigeons
Jade Small
Jade Small
March 13, 2024 ·  3 min read

College Girl Buys Meal For Homeless Man, Then He Hands Her Crumpled Scrap Of Paper

We all love a feel-good story, and given how life has been handing most of us so many lemons, we thought this awesome story would be just what everyone needs to lift their spirits! Kindness comes in many forms and sometimes it takes kindness from a stranger to change our lives.

It was an ordinary day for Casey Fischer as she made her way to get some coffee from Dunkin Donuts. Casey had no idea that what was about to happen would change her life, and that of complete strangers, forever.

A homeless man

Casey made her way into the store, noticing a homeless man picking up change outside. Casey told HuffPost:

Eventually I saw him stroll into Dunkin, as he was counting his change to buy something, I began to get super annoying and talked to him over and over again even when he didn’t really want to talk. Since he had maybe $1 in change I bought him a coffee and bagel and asked him to sit down with me.

Man in Gray Sweater Sitting on Ground Holding A Sign

Casey ended up sitting with the homeless man, who told her his name was Chris, for over an hour. Chatting about life and how he ended up homeless and on the streets.

He told me a lot about how people are usually very mean to him because he’s homeless, how drugs turned him into the person he hated, he lost his mom to cancer, he never knew his dad and he just wants to be someone his mom would be proud of…

Casey had to get back to class, but before she left, Chris handed her a crumpled-up piece of paper. She took the paper and they said their goodbyes.

Changing a life

Casey had no idea what she was about to read, nor how her simple act of kindness had impacted Chris. Opening up the paper Casey read something profound and truly heartbreaking – the note inside said:

I wanted to kill myself today because of u I now do not. Thank u, beautiful person.

Casey Fischer College Girl Buys Meal For Homeless Man Then He Hands Her Crumpled Note
Casey Fischer

Always be kind

Casey posted her story on her Facebook Page, where it reached thousands of people., reminding many to be kind always. Many people commented their own stories, some were homeless themselves…

I am homeless, have been since last year, I was staying under a 275 overpass for 2 weeks.

I am now in a program at the salvation army I am doing better now, just got a job today and start tomorrow so my life is looking better each day, I am not proud of how I end up here but I am getting myself out of it by the grace of god.

“Just asking to pray for the homeless and be kind.”

Gary Edelmann Jr 

Another commented about how she had finally changed her situation”

I left a abusive situation and for almost 3 years I was homeless and with out my two kids, I got a job, my own place and got my kids back. I am now a single mom of 4 and I may be struggling but I am doing ok and I keep going forward.”

Jo Goldstein

Choosing to be kind is not a hard choice to make, we never know what someone else is dealing with or what they may be going through. One simple act of kindness, even as simple as buying someone a cup of coffee and listening to them, could change their lives forever.

Keep Reading: Woman Captures Homeless People for 10 Years and Recognizes Lost Dad in One of the Photos – a Short Story