a circular pin wit a black and white triangle design
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
March 18, 2022 ·  2 min read

How Much Can You Trust Your Eyes?

They say that hindsight is 20/20. This implies that you may get high rewards, but there are greater risks too. Now, having a keen eye is quite crucial. It would help anyone notice the tiniest of details, which can often become very important. In fact, the keenness of your eyes may just help you win this riddle.

Nevertheless, it must also be kept in mind that the power and accuracy behind your eyes grow with age- so don’t fret if you aren’t there yet. Now, the main question that stands before you is this- how much do you trust your eyes? Are you sure that they will never betray you? If you are that confident, let’s get on with the test. 

The All-Seeing Eyes

1. Which circle has its triangle situated in the middle? 

Image Credits: Brightside

2. Which cell is located in the middle?

Image Credits: BrightSide

3. And what about in this image?

Image Credits: BrightSide

4. Which picture has the avocado right in the middle?

Image Credits: BrightSide

5. Which figure is the odd one out?

Image Credits: Brightside

6. Which circle, in your opinion, is the smallest?

Image Credits: Brightside

7. Which target looks different?

Image Credits: Brightside

8. Which piece looks missing from the image?

Image Credits: Brightside

9. Which is the biggest rhombus of all?

Image Credits: Brightside

10. Which part of the image seems missing?

Image Credits: Brightside

Time For Some Answers- Isn’t It?

Are you ready for the answer? Then here they are:

1. C
2. Green
3. Purple
4. C
5. A
6. 4
7. B
8. 2
9. 4
10. 5

So, how accurate are your eyes? If they aren’t, it is time you eat your carrots!

Be sure to share the quiz with your friends and family if you enjoyed it.

And, we also have some more interesting eye tests that are also fun: