young boy looking at a lap top screen while laying in bed
Jade Small
Jade Small
August 29, 2023 ·  3 min read

6-Year-Olds Can Solve This Puzzle In Under 20 Seconds—Can You?

Could you solve a tricky problem in under 20 seconds? These days, kids are learning stuff at an alarmingly fast rate. Sometimes it feels like they might even be smarter than us, especially when it comes to technology and different style of solving math problems. To further prove this point, there are a few first-graders who have been upstaging us, adults, with their brainpower.

Problem-solving skills are important for everyday life. If you want to succeed in pretty much anything, you need to be able to figure out how to reach amicable solutions for your problems. What about complex problems? This is where logical and rational thinking becomes your best friend. Being able to think outside the box and link trial and error findings from real-life applications are the tools for success. In fact, it’s probably those exact skills that helped a group of 6 year-olds solve a complex problem in under 20 seconds.

young asian girl
Image by 红 刘 from Pixabay

The puzzle comes from a first-grade admissions test in Hong Kong. While the majority of children who attempt the test are able to pass it with flying colors, some adults are finding it rather tricky to solve. To pass the test and successfully solve the puzzle, the answer must be correct and reached in under 20 seconds. Not to make you feel worse, but most kids could solve it in way less than 20 seconds.

Are you ready for the challenging puzzle? Here we go!

Can you Solve this Puzzle in Under 20 Seconds?

parking slot puzzle to solve in under 20 seconds

Looking at the image before you, you can see there is a parking lot. One lone car is parked in a space, and they all seem to be numbered as well. What number is the parked car covering up? You’ll have to use your brain for this one! Take your time, but don’t be too long. Remember, you have to get the answer in under 20 seconds!

Need a hint? It’s not as complicated as you’re probably making it. You don’t have to be great at math to figure this one out. Look at it from a different perspective- how would a 6-year-old solve this puzzle? Use your imagination!

Are you ready to see the solution to the puzzle? Your time is up! Let’s see how you did!

puzzle, words

We hope you got the correct answer, and in under 20 seconds too! Now, remember that the puzzle isn’t a hard one, it’s just tricky. Adults tend to overcomplicate things, so if you got it wrong, this might be a sign that you are stressed or overthinking too much. Take a break and give yourself some personal space.

If you were thinking like a kid, being imaginative and free-thinking, you would’ve come up with the correct answer, which is 87. That’s right if you got the number 87 in under 20 seconds, you got it correct!

parking slot puzzle to solve in under 20 seconds
Credit: Today

Some of you were probably trying to do some pretty complicated math to solve the puzzle, when all you really had to do was shift your perspective slightly!

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