various colours and styles of question marks
Mayukh Saha
Mayukh Saha
April 12, 2022 ·  2 min read

15 Head-Scratching Riddles That Will Put Your Intelligence to the Test

Most of our daily lives are too busy to do some fun physical activities. But we usually have enough time for some short mental activities. Among them, riddles are perhaps the best option. Moreover, there are very few things that can match that sweet satisfying moment when you finally get the answer.

Of course, riddles are not just fun activities meant for entertainment. They are also very beneficial for our mental health, help with releasing skills and polish our cognitive skills.

As such, we wanted to bring all these benefits to our dear readers today. So here are 14 specially prepared riddles that are built to make you think!

See how many you can solve!

The Riddles

1. A Stranger knocked at the door of a woman’s hotel room. When she opened it, the stranger apologized and said that he thought it was his room. However, the woman immediately closed the door and called security. What made the woman suspicious of the stranger?

2. There are 2 sons and 2 fathers in 1 car, but the total number of passengers in the car is 3. How can this happen?

3. I do not speak, cannot say anything, or hear. But I will always tell the truth. Identify me.

4. Which alphabet is the coolest one?

5. Walk on the living – they don’t make a sound. Walk on the dead – they grumble and matter. Identify them.

6. You throw me away when you need me. You bring me back when you don’t need me. Identify me.

7. I am as big as an elephant but I weigh nothing. Identify me.

8. What has only 2 words but thousands of letters?

9. If you eat me, my sender will eat you. Identify me.

10. I am 4 times my daughter’s age. After 20 years, I will be twice my daughter’s age. What are our present ages?

11. What 5 letter word in English is pronounced the same way even after removing 4 of its 5 letters?

12. Where can you finish a book without finishing a sentence?

13. This 4 letter English word can be written upside down, backward, or forward, but it can still be read left to right. What word is it?

14. Suzy drove to Los Angeles from New York City. It took her 4 days. When she reached LA, she found out that one of her tires was punctured. How did she make the drive?

15. John is carrying a water barrel weighing 60 pounds. What can he add to reduce the weight to 40 pounds?

The Solutions

1. No one knocks on their hotel door.
2. They are a grandfather, a father, and a son.
3. A mirror.
4. B because it is between an AC.
5. Leaves.
6. An anchor.
7. An elephant’s shadow.
8. Post office.
9. A fish hook.
10. My age is 40 while my daughter is 10.
11. Queue.
12. Prison.
13. Noon.
14. The puncture was on the spare tire.
15. A Hole.

So how many did you get correct? Let us know in the comments! Also, be sure to share it with your friends and family if you enjoyed them.

Here are some more riddles to keep your brain sharp: